
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Stacey has sign up for the semester!!

I know that some of you have wondered if I am going to ever sign up for classes, well I finally did it! I am going to take two classes on line this semester. I have been so worried about getting my science classes out of the way I only have Art appreciation and interpersonal communications left. I am looking forward to an easier semestser and getting to stay at home in my pajamas to complete a class!! I will be applying for the nursing program in Feb. to start fall of "09. A long awaited goal I have had and am glad to get the chance to accomplish it. The kids have been a great help to me and I know they want to see their Mom finish school. I hope they will see just how important education is.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Rob is Safe!

Christmas was Wonderful!!

The kids really enjoyed having Rob home for the holidays. The kids made out great for CHristmas and Santa didn't leave any coal(I think Maya thought she might get some). Lauren got a new camera so I posted her Christmas pics on the slideshow. She took pictures like crazy! The other kids got the games they wanted and a Wii fit. I think I might be spending some time on that, it seems really fun. Justin got the ipod he wanted and has spent alot of time on itunes.
We have been battling a viruses that decided to come and visit the day before Christmas Eve. Landon was the first victim and had a fever and body aches for about 5 days. Then the day before New year's Eve Jackson got it and a day later the girls followed. Rob got it two days before he had to travel back to Iraq. The lone survivors are me and Justin!!! I hope I can hold it off. School starts back tomorrow so I am definitely ready for that!!!

A night out with Paul!

On Friday night we went to Mel's Diner in Tomball. They are known for their Mega Mel Burger it is 2 1/2 pounds of meat, half a head of lettuce, ton of cheese, two whole tomatoes, half a pound of bacon, and pickles. For every substitution you get one patty added. Paul asked for all Meat and cheese and bacon which made the grand total of about 4 pounds of meat all together. You have two hours to finish..... Paul almost made it at about a little over an hour in Paul had reached his limit. He ate a little over half! We were proud!!!!!!!!!!!!! You should of seen the crowd he was drawing in, everyone was taking pictures and cheering him on!!!!!! He said maybe next time I will get it done!LOL

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Holidays Past at the Dove House always alot of food!

Christmas Past

Some pictures from Christmas Past at the Dove Houst

Rick has arrived

Rick has arrived safely in Iraq. He is getting settled in to his housing and getting oriented to work and the base. Rob is returning next week after a wonderful Christmas R & R. We will miss them both!!!